Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunities

If you require an accommodation for any of the content on this page, please contact Christine Phillips at (559) 243-7171
Diversity and inclusivity are at the heart of State Center Community College District's core values. The District is intentional in creating an environment that embraces and celebrates diversity in our student body, faculty, staff and administration, and has a focus on equity practices and hiring through an equity lens.
The District recognizes that a diverse workforce achieved through equal employment opportunity results in many benefits for our students, employees, and community at large. The District believes that it must take active and vigorous steps to ensure equal employment opportunity and to create an environment that will foster diversity and promote excellence.
The District's EEO Plan includes the designation of a Districtwide EEO Advisory Committee comprised of full-time faculty, part-time faculty, classified staff, administrators, college equity staff, and a student representative. This committee acts as an advisory body to the EEO Officer and the District as a whole to promote understanding and support of equal employment opportunity policies and procedures.
District EEO Officer and Chair of the EEO Advisory Committee:
Julianna D. Mosier - (559) 243-7100
District Director of EEO/Diversity and Professional Development and Co-Chair of the EEO Advisory Committee:
Christine Phillips - (559) 243-7171
The District strictly prohibits any form of harassment or discrimination and has established the following District Policies, Administrative Regulations, and Board Resolutions to affirm its commitment to not only an environment free from harassment and discrimination, but also to an environment that promotes diversity, cultural awareness, mutual respect, and equity.
- Condemning Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans, Board Resolution No. 2021.16
- April is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness Month, Board Resolution No. 2021.14
- Support of Equal Pay in California Community Colleges, Board Resolution No. 2021.13
- District Harassment/Sexual Harassment (BP 3430)
- Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX (BP 3433)
- Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX (AR 3434)
- Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus (AR 3540)
- Nondiscrimination (BP 3410)
- Equal Employment Opportunity (BP 3420)
- Commitment to Diversity (BP 7100)
A District Incident Reporting Form to submit a complaint regarding a violation of the District's EEO Plan or Discrimination/Harassment policies can be found by clicking on the button below:
District Unlawful Discrimination Complaint Form
General Employee Misconduct Complaint Form
SCCCD EEO Demographic Data
Suggested Resources/Links
- CollegeBoard: Advocacy & Diversity Collaborative
- Harvard University: Implicit Bias Tests
- Human Rights Campaign
- Museum of Tolerance
- ThinkB4youspeak
- UC Berkeley: Multicultural Education Program (Instructor Tools)
Anti-Racism Resources
Moving Beyond Diversity to Racial Equity
To actualize racial equity, it is incumbent upon us to determine how to use our positions of privilege, influence and power to transform lives through education, particularly for our racially minoritized and marginalized students and community. We cannot talk about equity without talking about inequality. We cannot talk about inclusion without talking about oppression. We cannot say we are committed to equity and be afraid to have an open dialogue about structural racism. We cannot talk about structural racism without talking about anti-racism.
Take a more critical look at what informs your worldview by exploring these Anti-Racism Resources.
- Envisioning Higher Education as Antiracist
- Racism in Universities is a Systemic Problem
- Addressing Racist Microaggressions
- How to Respond to Microaggressions
- Is Your Company Actually Fighting Racism or Just Talking About It
- U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism
- Toward a Racially Just Workplace
- Hiring Discrimination Against Black Americans Hasn't Declined in 25 Years
- The Case for an Anti-Racist Stance Toward Paying Off Higher Education's Racial Debt
- Making American Higher Education Just
- First-Generation Equity Practitioners: Are They Part of the Problem?
- Five Principles for Enacting Equity by Design
- People Suffer at Work When They Can't Discuss the Racial Bias They Face Outside of It
- Code of Ethics for White Anti-Racists
- For Our White Friends Desiring to be Allies
- Factors that Affect African American Student Academic Success at Fresno City College
- Fresno City College Office of Student Equity
- Clovis Community College Student Equity Plan
- Madera Community College Nondiscrimination Statement
- Reedley Community College Racial Equity and Anti-Racism
- National Juvenile Justice Network Anti-Racist Organizational Development
- Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites
- National Museum of African American History and Culture
- Racial Equity Tools
- Black Minds Matter Public Course
- The Difference Between Being Not Racist and Antiracist
- How to Be an Antiracist
- Advice for White People From Anti-Racism Trainer
- Tim Wise: Higher Education’s Urgent Imperative to Become Antiracist
- Diversity Training Isn’t Enough: Racism, Trauma and Justice
- How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion
- Confronting Racism in Higher Education
- How to Deconstruct Racism, One Headline at a Time
- Why I, as a black man, attend KKK Rallies
- Making American Higher Education Just
- Addressing Anti-Blackness on Campus: Implications for Educators and Institutions
- Responding Racial Bias and Microaggressions in Online Environments
- Employing Equity-Minded & Culturally-Affirming Teaching Practices in Virtual Learning Communities
- White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Di Angelo and Michael Eric Dyson
- How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
- What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker: A Memoir in Essays by Damon Young
- Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice that Shapes What We See, Think and Do by Jennifer Eberhardt
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by John Lewis and Michael D’Orso
- White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson, Ph.D.
- The Invention of the White Race by Theodore W. Allen
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon
- Choke Hold: Policing Black Men by Paul Butler
- Engaging the Race Question in U.S. Higher Education by Alicia C. Dowd and Estela Mara Bensimon
- From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education by Tia Brown McNair, Estela Mara Bensimon, and Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux
- Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do by Claude M. Steele
- Overcoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberation by Derald Wing Sue
Government Links
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- California Code of Regulations
- California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office – Equal Employment Opportunity
- California Department of Education: Equal Opportunity & Access
- Department of Education: Title IX and Sex Discrimination
- Department of Fair Employment and Housing
- Department of Labor: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Office of Civil Rights