Coronavirus Resources District information pertaining to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

College's Obligations

  • Respond promptly and effectively.
    • If the College or District Title IX Coordinator receives a report of sexual harassment or sexual violence that creates a hostile environment, the school must take immediate action to eliminate the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.
    • A criminal investigation into allegations of sexual harassment or sexual violence does not relieve the school of its duty under Title IX to resolve complaints promptly and equitably.

  • Have and distribute a policy against Sex Discrimination.

  • Have a Title IX Coordinator.
    • The coordinator’s responsibilities include overseeing all complaints of sex discrimination and identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of such complaints.

Information Regarding Campus, Criminal, and Civil Consequences of Committing Acts of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

  • Disciplinary Actions: Based on the outcome of Title IX investigations and determining whether an AR or BP was violated the campus can take action to address issue. This can include expulsion, suspension, or mandatory counseling.
  • Educational Impact: The perpetrator may face barriers to transferring schools, enrolling in graduate programs, or pursuing certain professional licenses.

  • Title IX Investigations: Schools and colleges receiving federal funding are required to conduct their own investigations into Title IX violations, independent of any criminal proceedings. These can lead to disciplinary actions against the perpetrator, including suspension or expulsion.
  • Civil Lawsuits: Victims of sexual violence can file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator and sometimes against the institution if it failed to respond appropriately to a reported incident. These lawsuits can seek damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and more.
  • Restraining Orders: Victims can also seek EPO (Emergency Protective Order), TRO (Temporary Restraining Orders) or possibly a GVRO (Gun Violence Restraining Order) against the perpetrator, prohibiting them from contacting them at home, work or school and possibly take there right to possess a firearm(s) away

  • Criminal Charges: Perpetrators of sexual assault can face criminal charges, which may include rape, sexual battery, and other sex-related crimes. The specific charges depend on the nature of the act and the laws of the state where the incident occurred.
  • Incarceration: If convicted, the perpetrator can face jail or prison time. The length of incarceration can vary widely based on the severity of the crime, prior offenses, and other factors.
  • Sex Offender Registration: Convicted sex offender are often required to register as sex offenders, which can severely restrict where they can live, work, and travel