Fulbright Faculty Exchanges at SCCCD

Sylvie Huneault-Schultz - Kyrgyzstan (2009-10)

Sylvie Huneault-Schultze, an ESL/Linguistics instructor at Fresno City College, received a Fulbright Scholarship during the 2009-10 academic year. She spent 10 months in Kyrgyzstan conducting seminars on innovative teaching methodologies. Sylvie, who is fluent in three languages--English, French and Russian--was able to communicate with Kyrgyzstanis because they too speak Russian in this former Soviet country in Central Asia. Sylvie learned about the various customs and traditions of the people of Kyrgyzstan, as well as how their educational system is structured. During her Fulbright experience, Kyrgyzstan experienced deadly riots and a coup that ousted the country's president.

Peter Meserve - Poland (2006-07)

Peter traveled to Poland during the 2006-07 academic year where he taught in Gdansk at what was essentially a prep high school called Topolowka. The purpose of his Fulbright was to experience teaching in a different culture and environment while giving a foreign geography teacher an opportunity to teach at Fresno City College. Peter indicated that while he did not undertake any specific studies during his time abroad, he did learn an amazing amount about the challenges of living and learning in a different culture. He says, "It was the first time I can remember being totally illiterate!" Overall, Peter indicates he can honestly say that it was one of the best learning and living experiences he's had in his entire life. On weekends he was able to travel to more than a dozen other countries, plus throughout much of Poland.

Reg Spittle - Scotland (1997-98)

Reg, who teaches political science at the Madera Center, was a Fulbright exchange teacher to Scotland. His family went with him on this experience, and his three sons even attended school in Scotland. After returning, Reg served as a Fulbright volunteer and was regional interview chair for five years. Reg continues to be a valuable resource in the district for Fulbright programs.

Chris Glaves - England (1997-98)

Chris traveled with his wife and sons to England where he lived in Southampton during the 1997-98 academic year. He traded jobs and houses with an engineering instructor from Southampton City College (John Oxley) who took his place at Reedley College. Chris taught Electrical Engineering and Physics in England while John taught Engineering at Reedley. During his year abroad, his sons attended an English primary school. Chris comments that the whole experience one of the most enriching events in his family's life.

Dorothy Pucay - Philippines (1995-96)

Dorothy was awarded a Fulbright to the Philippines and served as a consultant to the English Language Teaching arm of the Bureau of Secondary Education Office. She assisted with the revision of secondary education English curriculum; evaluated programs, instructors and standards (in English curriculum); helped conduct studies; prepared instructional materials and curriculum; and conducted seminars and workshops, not only in the Philippines but at a couple of universities in Malaysia.

Jan Dekker - United States (1991-92)

Jan was a Fulbright scholar in 1991. He came from the Netherlands (Holland) for a visit and to teach chemistry and biology at Reedley College. He exchanged with Barry Warmerdam. Jan lived with his wife and three sons in Barry's home in Reedley while he worked at Reedley College. At the same time, Barry traveled to the Netherlands where he taught geography and social science and lived in Jan's home for a year. When a position opened for a biology/chemistry instructor, Jan applied and exclaimed, "I made it!" With a background in biochemistry, he began teaching biology and chemistry full time at Reedley College in 1992. He sold his home in the Netherlands, put everything in a big shipping container and had it shipped to San Francisco. Jan considers teaching a great experience. In 1996, he began teaching exclusively chemistry. In 2007, he became Dean of Instruction for his division. He still teaches a class, as he enjoys teaching too much to completely leave the classroom.

Barry Warmerdam - Netherlands (1991-92)

Barry lived in the Netherlands and taught geography and social science during the year he exchanged with Jan Dekker.